Friday, August 26, 2011

Run, Run as Fast as You Can!

 You won't believe this, but when we got back from lunch and looked in the oven to get our gingerbread men we had decorated that morning, they were gone!!
We ran and ran around the school looking for the them. And here's picture proof:
 We looked in the clinic.
No gingerbread men.
 We looked in the office and asked Mrs. Kornblum and Mrs.West.
No gingerbread men.
 We asked Mrs. Laymon, the music teacher and she said look in the multi-purpose room.
No gingerbread men.
 We looked in the library and asked Mrs. Hartnett.
No gingerbread men.

 Oops! But they HAD come in quietly to look for their book. Remember you have to be quiet in the library!
And finally they went they way of all good gingerbread men in our mouths and tummies.
Snip, snap, snout this tale's told out! A great way to end reading The Gingerbread Man!!