Thursday, January 24, 2013

Science Fair

Last week we began our project for the Science Fair. We have talked about living and nonliving things, so we decided to do an experiment involving living things. Our question we began with was: "Will a plant grow in something besides soil?" We predicted that they would grow in sand, but not in clay, coffee, rubber bits (from our playground) and rocks. Then we split into groups and planted seeds in each material, watered them and put them on the window sill to get sun.
Of course, my favorite part of that day was when we finished the experiment about 5 minutes later several students were looking at the plant and yelling excitedly that they were already growing!! Cracked me right up!

We have been observing the plants ever since and will present our results next Thursday night, January 31at the Science Fair. Feel free to drop by and check it out! :)