Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pajama Day and the Polar Express

We ended the 2010 part of our school year with our traditional pajama day and a reading of the Polar Express by our principal, Mrs. Kornblum. The entire kindergarten gathered in the multi-purpose room wearing p.j.s and reindeer ears for the reading. Then followed up with a variety of fun and lively holiday songs. It was an adorable occasion!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

  The Royal subjects celebrated the holidays and upcoming winter season by making and breaking their own pinata. Many, many thanks to our fabulous parents for generously sending it toys and candies. The pinatas were filled to the brim! Couldn't you tell by the bag of goodies they brought home?

 Who are these happy people and do you know them by their shoes?

Oh no, party crashers! That's right even the parents can't resist the fun of hitting the pinata!
 Excellent stress relief!
 Mrs. Donnelley,  is that a hit or a miss?

 Do you know who this is? (Hint, hint, one of our favorite people in our room!)

Queen Hicks gives instruction to this parent about proper pinata etiquette.
Even Sarah, our class mascot, gets in the swing of things!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Big, Bigger, Biggest

Trip trap, trip trap, trip trap! Who's that trip trapping over my bridge???

Why it's us! The royal subjects. We've read the story, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and now we're diving into the story with some good ol' role play.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who's Cute and Sweet and Smart All Over?

Why Bella, of course! She was Star Student last week on November 5. We just love, love, love you Bella!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Good Role Model

Rose's brother, Gabe, came to speak to our class about what it's like to be in Fifth Grade. He also happens to be a former Royal Subject himself. We were so impressed. Way to go, Gabe!

Pumpkins Time!

Carving our fall pumpkin with Hunny Bunny!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Going to the Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!

Last Tuesday was our first field trip. We had an awesome time going to the Jacksonville Zoo. The weather was warm and the animals wild. Check out our tour and our visit to the Educational Center.