Tuesday, February 4, 2014

100 Days of Royal Fun!

Monday was the 100th day of school! And we found many ways to celebrate.

Drawing, stamping and stickers to count to 100

Using 100 lego pieces to build

Counting 10 pieces of 10 kinds of food to make a 100 snack

Writing wishes about 100 things

Counting Hershey's kisses to 100

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Run, run as fast as you can!!

What could be more fun than the Fun Run??

 Even Mrs. Manabat is running!

More Reading from Guess Who?? Queenie Poo!

Guess who was our Mystery Reader in January??

We Love Buddy Readers!!

 Check out these patient and kind fourth graders reading to the Royal Subjects!

Where do Royal Readers Read???

Anywhere in our room!!!

Holiday Story Time

Mrs. Manabat reads Snowmen at Night