Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What is gravity?

Our serious scientists were hard at work last week on gravity!
 We learned what goes up must come down as we proved by throwing up balls on the playground and putting them on the slide. They came back to earth every single time!!

A Chilly Flag Raising

Brrrr! Last Wednesday we had a cool and chilly flag raising for November. A special thanks to Mrs. Laymon, our music teacher, for bringing the American Brass Quintet to play for the school. Fortunately we got to hear them for a full concert later on in the day inside!

Military Service Project

The Beauclerc Student Council is holding a Military Service Project beginning November 13th for the men and women in an Army Unit stationed Afghanistan.  Please see the list below for specific items that are needed and send them in with your student by November 16th.    Student Council thanks you for your support!

When:    November 13 - November 16

Who:     U.S. Army Unit in Afghanistan
                  Home Base:  Kentucky
                  Expected return: July 2013
                  15 Males          2 Females

       Shampoo                                Soap
      Toothbrush/Toothpaste               Deodorant
       Candy (no chocolate)                        Combos
      Granola Bars                           Packaged Cookies
      Trail Mix                                Sunflower Seeds/Nuts
      Individual Microwavable Servings of: 
      Chef Boyardee. Easy Mac, Soups, Brownie & Hormel Dinners            

"Cards, Letters, Drawings”