Sunday, August 29, 2010

Run, Run As Fast As You Can - We Went Looking for our Gingerbread Men!

We looked in Mrs. Brown's first grade class - no gingerbread!We asked Mrs. Adams, a kindergarten teacher - no gingerbread
We asked Mrs. Wright, a fifth grade teacher - no gingerbread!

We went in Mrs. Ryan and Ross' room, 2 fourth grade teachers - no gingerbread!

We asked Mrs. Kephart, a third grade teacher - no gingerbread!

We checked in the offce with Mrs. Kornblum, our principal - no gingerbread!

Mrs. Donnelly, a fourth grade teacher was SHOCKED to find out there were unruly gingerbread at Beauclerc!

Finally, Bella spotted them in the place they love best - the library!

Last week we read the story, The Gingerbread Man. To give the story a real live feel we decorated some of our own gingerbread cookies. Then, OH NO! The story came to life as unfortunately our gingerbread men ran away just like in the story! We looked (and sniffed) all over the school until we finally found them in the media center! Then they went the way of all gingerbread men -- we ate them.