Friday, October 16, 2009

Read to Self

The last two weeks we have begun some of our most important work in kindergarten -- Read to Self.

How does a five year old read to themselves?
Well, they can read the pictures, read the words or retell a familiar story!
Why does a kindergarten student want to read a book independently?
To get smarter, to build strong brain muscles, to learn more and of course, because it's AWESOME, EXCELLENT FUN!

How does it look and sound when they read to themselves?
They get started right away. (People who goof off are not getting smarter.)
They stay in their own bubblespace. (a place where no one will bother them)
They work on their stamina. (reading for longer and longer periods of time)
They read quietly.
They keep their eyes on their book.
They read the whole time.

Who likes to read in our class independently?
The bookworms! Check out our "nose-stuck-in-the book" readers below: